Austin Film Festival

The Student Film Production Club is getting a group together to go down to the Austin Film Festival in October, and I am going! 

The festival spans a number of days, but the conference itself is four days, from Oct. 22-25th. Basically the conference is stuffed full of tons and tons of panels and parties and discussions and roundtables and gah!

We all bought student ticket passes, and many of us have gotten into a roundtable event where we will be able to meet with film executives, including: 

•       Richard Bever, Chill Entertainment 
•       Ashley Brucks, Paramount Pictures 
•       Curtis Burch, President of Latitude Productions 
•       Carlo Eugster, Out of the Blue Entertainment 
•       Juliana Farrell, Jersey Girl Films 
•       Jessica Julius, Disney Animation Studios 
•       Maggie Malone, Disney Animation Studios 
•       Matt Summers, Vice President, 821 Entertainment 

And that is just ONE event! There are so many more events that I haven’t had time to look at them all (it’s really an overwhelming list). Good thing I still have a few weeks to decide what I want to attend and who I want to meet and what movies I want to see. For a list of all the conference events at the AFF, click HERE

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